AGV vehicle, Shuttle Outdoor series in Gundershoffen, France

AGV vehicle, Shuttle Outdoor series in Gundershoffen, France

Supply of one AGV vehicle of the SHUTTLE series to a new French customer well known in the production of bakery products for snacks and aperitifs, the bretzel par excellence: the Alsatians (mini-brezels and sticks).

The buyer Company is producing high quality bretzels since 1935 and today it employs over 70 employees in the Alsace region, baking over 24 tonnes of mini-bretzels per day (24/7).

The AGV system was purchased by the customer in order to connect two non-adjacent production facilities (a production plant and a warehouse) in an automated and secure manner. Improving the efficiency and minimising the time needed to transfer goods is one of the goals keeping and controlling the position of the AGV shuttle and the status of the goods at all times via the Proxaut Supply Supervisor. In general, the customer did not want to have forklifts drivers outside, independently on the weather conditions outside.

The vehicle that Proxaut designed for the French customer has to move from one plant to another and it have to transfer two cardboard boxes weighing approximately 1,000 kg.

To ensure optimum signal reception, the vehicle was equipped with an enhanced wi-fi system covering a radius of over 300 metres, and to protect the product even in bad weather situations, the SH-W-C2 shuttle truck is equipped with a weatherproof tarpaulin (controlled by a weather station that can inhibit missions, adjust its speed en route, etc.).

The vehicle is wire guided and the wired are fixed in the floor to determine the roadmap and the paths. The AGV has a motorised roller conveyor inside that can transfer 2250 mm high boxes placed on Europallets (80 x 1200). In order to guarantee a smooth entry, an automatic roller shutter has been designed that opens and closes as required, equipped with anti-intrusion sensors that are activated by blocking the opening of the shutter.

Year of construction: end 2022/ beginning 2023


Proxaut S.r.l.
Via della Tecnica n. 4 - Piumazzo
Castelfranco Emilia (MO)

Tel. +39 059 934939
Partita IVA 02388920361
Cap. soc. €.800.000,00 i.v.  

ASSOCIATO Confindustria

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